Introducing THE here | THREAD – a collaboration to explore the nature of home.

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“She heard the walls whisper to her; you’re home”.


Katie, creator of The Here Home and I met in Autumn 2016 as we journeyed through a transformative yoga teacher training in London. Sharing a love of interiors and architecture, we connected over teachings around harnessing beauty and presence to create a sense of sacredness, as part of a daily practice. 
Since both becoming mothers, our shared appreciation for the role of the home in our wellbeing has strengthened. This led us to a very natural collaboration that explores how to create spaces that are underpinned with intention, alchemy and meaning.

About us. 


Katie makes physical spaces as an architect, and believes that we have a deep rooted, profound and mutual relationship with our surroundings. Her career has been mainly designing within the education sector, but in taking some time away from architecture practice to become a mother, she has become more in tune with her strong affinity for home.

Katie believes our wellbeing is linked to the unique relationship we each have with ours. She recently followed the call to start evolving ideas and inspiration around home and created The Here Home.


I created this platform, THE THREAD JOURNAL., alongside my PR career in the interwoven interiors, design, art and architecture sectors. It is intended to be an online space to explore the importance of noticing everyday beauty to create sacred space and a sense of homecoming.

Working with talented designers and architects everyday had a profound impact on me as I saw the transformative effect that our surroundings have on us. On a personal level since becoming a mother and my experience of lockdown this year, I’ve seen how we each hold the power to shape the energy of our homes. I believe that when we feel ‘at home’ we can live our lives most fully.

We are excited to come together to create, collaborate and share our ideas at THE here | THREAD.

‘In making ourselves a place to live, we first spread a parasol to throw a shadow on the earth, and in the pale light of the shadow we put together a house.’ From ‘In Praise of Shadows’ by Junichiro Tanizaki via @the_here_home
‘In making ourselves a place to live, we first spread a parasol to throw a shadow on the earth, and in the pale light of the shadow we put together a house.’ From ‘In Praise of Shadows’ by Junichiro Tanizaki via @the_here_home

Our inspiration – nature and the elements. 

We are inspired by the intricate balance of both home and nature to support and nourish us. Once a quiet retreat away from our hectic everyday, home is now a container for every aspect of our lives and nature is a place that provides opportunity for breathing space.

We are exploring how we can harness the innate intelligence of the natural elements – water, fire, earth and air – and their healing properties in our homes.

Alberto Ponis, Bluff House in Northern Sardinia, Italy via @slow_roads
Alberto Ponis, Bluff House in Northern Sardinia, Italy via @slow_roads

Touchstone design. 

The designs we produce act as a touchstone for the qualities that imbue the space and give it its archetypal elemental character. 


In each design one lead element is chosen for its attributes in balancing the season and its effects on our collective mood. Whilst one element takes the lead, we strive to find a balance with the other elements to create a feeling of calm and equipoise. 


These touchstone designs are an opportunity to use our imagination and eschew real world constraints to play with the idea in its purest form. From this distilled version of the design, we can create practical advice for bringing the concepts to the reality of our homes in today’s world. 


The touchstone acts as a guide pertaining to layout, structure, materiality, light, colour palette and texture which can then be translated into the home setting.

Breeze via @louloustudio_paris
Breeze via @louloustudio_paris

Watch this space…

We are excited to unveil our first touchstone design, inspired by the healing element of water. Our next post will reveal the ideas, concept, process, vision and details for recreating the flow and tranquility of water in your own home.

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