INSIDE with White Witch Collective.

Ritual bowl
Meet Olivia Wheldon, founder of White Witch Collective, purveyor of consciously sourced crystals for the modern bohemian. Olivia is THE THREAD JOURNAL’s latest Insider – an individual who embodies a connection to their surroundings at home and in their work.
Olivia was drawn towards the healing power of crystals during years of living with anxiety and found their protective power helpful and profound. White Witch Co. is a culmination of Olivia’s passions, enabling her to share what she has learnt through her experiences of working with crystals, alongside reiki and other healing modalities.
I took the opportunity to talk to Olivia about her relationship to space on a personal level and how it provides a grounding foundation to her work…
Olivia, founder of White Witch Collective.
Olivia, founder of White Witch Collective.
Describe who you are and what you do. 

I’m Olivia. I sell fine crystals for the modern bohemian and I guide people towards the light – on both sides of the veil.

Reiki Master. Healer. Clairvoyant. Facilitator for transformation. Crystal seller. Friend. Partner. Daughter. Celtic Shaman and wise woman by blood.

What led you on your path?

I have always trodden this spiritual path. Even as a child, aged three, I’d kneel in the mud, playing with rocks and stones, asking questions like ‘is my name my soul?’

Growing up, throughout the ebbs and flows of my school-induced anxiety, my psychic experiences increased in frequency and intensity to the point that I sought protection. This led me to crystals. From here, I learnt so much and my spiritual journey was catalysed. I felt called to share my love for and lessons from crystals with others and the idea for White Witch Collective was sparked. 

A collection of clear quartz crystals for clarity and grounding
A collection of clear quartz crystals for clarity and grounding
Where is home for you? 

Where I can put down roots and feel safe to grow. For me, that’s in Bristol.

How would you describe your home?

Eclectic, cosy, witchy. Think candles, house plants and incense smoke rising up through the air. Smells of wholesome cooking. Diverse music: sometimes jazz, sometimes cumbia.

What does homecoming mean to you?

Cleansing, dusting off the day, leaving the rest of the world at the door. Nesting, settling and grounding down into sacred space. Whether that’s through lighting some candles, having a slow bath, or taking your time with a rose quartz facial roller. 

Sometimes, I feel most at home and most rooted when I have a massive pizza and a good film. It doesn’t always have to be deep and overtly spiritual; Netlfix and chill is meditative.

Do you have a sacred space or favourite place in your home?

All of my space is sacred, but I gravitate towards my bed or the fridge! The kitchen table is the heart of the home though.

Crystal coasters on Olivia's kitchen table
Crystal coasters on the kitchen table
What makes a space sacred?

Regularly checking in with that space and yourself, or anyone else that inhabits it. I cleanse my space frequently, most mornings in fact. Smudging with sacred smoke has become an integral part of my daily housekeeping ritual. Keeping the energy clear and flowing and doing things that make the soul sing (lighting candles, having a dance, really feeling the place and being present there), makes the space sacred.

How does your connection to sacred space play a part in your work?

I cleanse my inbox everyday, getting rid of any spammy energies there that do not serve me! Seriously, just by embodying my work and being present in every interaction, every conversation, I make my work sacred.

Olivia embodies sacred space in her life and work
Olivia embodies sacred space in her life and work
What are your favourite crystals for grounding in your home?

I will not sleep anywhere without black tourmaline and smoky quartz. For me, the biggest grounding comes from being in nature and allowing the trees to hold space for me, feet rooted on the ground. I can find this energetic support through these crystals. 

Black tourmaline is highly protective, like a spiritual sanitiser, while smoky quartz keeps the root chakra in check, gently tranquilising you. The two combined have a very special vibe. Smoky quartz often feels like a spiritual sedative, so is perfect after a long day.

Little coffee and cream smoky phantom quartz points
What are your home aspirations?

More space. A garden. A fireplace. These things are on their way and are close. Manifest, manifest, manifest!

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? 

I’m happy where I am, in Bristol, but would love to live a nomadic life for a year, travelling around the world, connecting with different cultures, places and faces. Lessons are learnt far from our comfort zones.

Sagittarius nomadic life
Sagittarius nomadic life
Find out more about White Witch Co.,

Visit Olivia’s website to view her crystal shop, gatherings and other offerings

Follow White Witch Co. on Instagram for crystal goodness and guidance

Do you have crystals in your home?
What are your favourite crystals for grounding?

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