SAGITTARIUS SEASON interiors – how to bring nature and adventure into the home.

Sagittarius nomadic life

“I have inside me the winds, the deserts, the oceans, the stars, and everything created in the universe.

We were all made by the same hand, and we have the same soul”.

Paulo Coelho

Free, movement-loving Sagittarius brings a welcome dose of spaciousness after the swirling depths of immersive Scorpio season
After hunkering down to explore our inner landscape, it is time to strike out independently to find our place in the world in this chapter of Astro Interiors – the zodiac expressed through the eyes of architecture, interiors and most importantly, the home. 
The open road.
Sagittarius, symbolised by the archer, calls us to expand our vessel and be open to engaging in the full range of our experiences. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, the sign marks an exploration of freedom and a blossoming of our own innate wildness. 
Sagittarius invites us out on the open road, to live a nomadic existence, to throw caution to the wind, stay up all night, live for the present moment and embark on adventures that will broaden our horizons. 
Home becomes a moveable feast, with a strong connection to nature and the world around us. Think cosy cabins, yurts, teepees and rustic huts – mastering the dream of indoor/outdoor living, setting up camp under the stars with a big window out onto the world around us. This is the season for anchoring to our own energetic idea of home, not as a place but wherever we are when all of our efforts to escape disappear.
Desert ranch via @cloudbones
Desert ranch via @cloudbones
Fire and the spark of adventure.
Sagittarius is quite often mistaken for an air sign, due to its freedom of movement, uplifting spirit and natural creativity. However, Sagittarians are trailblazing fire signs with a mutable energy, meaning that their passion for life often adapts new forms. In an interior setting, versatile design and layout is important, as well as an easefulness to pick up and move on when the next adventure calls.
Christian Louboutin's courtyard, Aswân, Egypt
Christian Louboutin's courtyard with fireplace in Aswân, Egypt via @slow_roads
The philosopher and the higher mind.
As well as being a born adventurer, Sagittarius is a natural philosopher and loves exploring the inner workings of their minds, stretching their horizons through a good book or film. As such, cosy, quiet spaces for solo learning and contemplation are key to capturing Sagittarius spirit at home.
Canopied living via @reveenvert
Canopied living via @reveenvert
At home in the wild.
Though living out in the wilderness may not be possible, or even desirable for most of us (especially living in the northern hemisphere at this time of year!) you can create this carefree, nomadic style by bringing elements of nature into your space. 
Biophillic design, based upon the principle that humans have an innate connection to nature is key to increasing wellbeing within a space. Richard Louv, author of The Last Child in the Woods states, “the more high-tech we become, the more nature we need” . With many of us working long hours in artificial light and with shorter daylight hours in winter (when biologically we should actually be hunkering down and hibernating), it is important to bring nature into our homes to reduce stress, enhance creativity and clarity of thought. 
Enchanting installation by @ruby_marylennox via @the_lane
Enchanting installation by @ruby_marylennox via @the_lane

Laid back palette and textures.

Soft, low-maintenance textures of unmade crumpled linen in smoky taupes and amethyst tones provide the perfect base for laid-back journeying. Layer the palette with rich, grounding shades of saffron, cinnamon and ruby to anchor this fire-ruled yet honorary air sign. Accessorise and embellish with ethnic pattern in jewel-tones, rich embroidery, contemporary tapestries, passementerie and trimmings. 

“Home is not where you are born; home is where all your attempts to escape cease”.
Naguib Mahfouz
Crumpled linen and outdoor living via @jessicamenda
Crumpled linen and outdoor living via @jessicamenda

Sagittarius season moodboard:

How do you bring elements of nature, travel and wildness into your home?
How do you take elements of home with you on your travels?

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