ELEMENTAL LIVING – how to ignite the fire element.

Fire element title 2

“She dances with fire

to the song of the stars

her name is written 

in the flames

Elemental Living delves further into Astro Interiorsto explore the elements which underpin each of the signs of the zodiac. 
I am fascinated by the innate intelligence and alchemy of the elements – water, fire, earth and air – and how we can harness their healing properties in our lives, and in our homes.
As we move into radiant Leo season, we explore fire; the element that governs the regal solar-powered sign, as well as fellow fire signs Sagittarius and Aries.
This post explores the properties of fire in nature, energy, culture and the zodiac with more to follow on how to ignite and inspire radiance in our everyday lives…
Cleanse and restore via @luumi_studio @celestial_objects
Cleanse and restore via @luumi_studio @celestial_objects

The nature of the fire element. 

Without fire, humans, society and the global ecosystem would struggle to survive and certainly would not thrive. Fire provides light, warmth, a means to cook and nourish ourselves. Unlike the other elements, it does not exist in its own natural state and instead must consume one of the other elements to come into form, most notably it is fed by air.

As well as the provider of so much, it alchemises materials, transforming them into entirely new entities. Its own form transmutes from spark to flame, to smoke and to ash. 

But fire also has the power to destroy with devastating effect. We are all aware that the temperatures on the Earth are rising (by around 2 degrees Celsius since the Industrial Revolution), causing increased incidences of extreme weather such as drought and devastating forest fires as seen in California and in parts of Australia in 2019 and 2020. It could be said that these global disasters reflect a dangerous imbalance and mirror the ‘burnout’ which is also prevalent in society.

Despite its ferocity, fire can give rise to new life, and its ashes are known for their regenerative properties. Fire is also the principal element in places on earth where heat is the dominant characteristic, like volcanoes, hot springs and the desert. 

Fire rituals.  

Energetically, fire provides the spark of inspiration, passion, creativity, transformation and the radiance of our inner light. As a vehicle of action and movement, fire is said to have a yang, masculine energy and is closely linked to ideas of power, drive and physicality.

Fire rituals have existed for thousands of years and are often based on the ideas of cleansing, clearing and purification. At Imbolc, the festival marking the first stirrings of spring and the returning strength of the sun on 1st February each year, Brigid solar goddess of fire, alchemy, creativity, home and hearth is celebrated and honoured. 

Another fire festival, Beltane, takes place on May Day or around the halfway point between the spring equinox (Ostara) and the summer solstice (Litha). Traditionally fire rituals were performed to protect crops, cattle and community, and to encourage fertility, growth and abundance.

Traditionally bonfires were lit at Beltane and the ashes were thought to have protective powers
Traditionally bonfires were lit at Beltane and the ashes were thought to have protective powers

Human nature.

As mentioned earlier, humans need fire to thrive. Throughout the ages, the concept of home has been synonymous with the ‘hearth’ and tending to a flame. A hearth is a brick or stone-lined fireplace, used for heating and cooking food. For centuries, the hearth has been an essential part of a house. As well as signifying the home as a whole, ‘hearth’ can also represent a vital or creative centre within a person, or a civilisation as a whole. 

The importance of the hearth dates back to Ancient Rome, where the Romans deeply revered the goddess Vesta, the deity of the home and the hearth, a fire goddess who was called upon to cultivate inner and outer warmth. Whilst the physical element of the domestic flame represented the strength of society in Ancient Rome, the energetic flame of Vesta represents our inner glow.

Fire fully aflame at home @jamb_london
Fire fully aflame at home @jamb_london

Inner ember.

Having Virgo as my Sun and Rising signs and a Taurus Moon, Earthiness is my home and comfort zone. I am always looking to embody the fluidity of Water and my mind can often inhabit the fast-moving cloud-like quality of Air but I find it harder to identify with the traditional notion of Fire. 

I noted down the quote below whilst listening to a podcast interview with the late civil rights leader John Lewis and found this is where my connection to the Fire element lies…

“Firecrackers go off in a flash, then leave nothing but ashes. I prefer a pilot light…it burns steadily, and it burns forever.” John Lewis

I am interested in the quiet power of the glowing embers that require rekindling with care and regular tending, to bring seeds of inspiration to life and action. When we dutifully and tenderly look after ourselves and embark on inner work, we amplify our sense of self, simmering within in order to radiate meaning into the world around us.

It's in your hands via @naomiabsalom
It's in your hands via @naomiabsalom

LEO SEASON – fire as radiance. 

Ruled by the sun, Leo is a fire sign that governs the heart and leads us to connect to our passions, desires, inner wisdom and the strength that we have been gathering in the inward-looking Cancer season that went before. The sun represents our sense of self and how we portray ourselves to the outside world.

Leo asks us to step out into our own sparkling light of individuality. Represented by the courageous, regal lion, Leo season celebrates a synchronisation of inner and outer worlds, aligning our souls with a renewed purpose and new aliveness.

After a period of introspection and listening, Leo season invites us to connect to our individuality, self-expression and worth, encouraging us to throw anything out of alignment, into the fire.

atelier vime sun mirror
Leo basks in a radiant sense of self via @ateliervime

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